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Friday, 1 October 2021

My Greyhound Saluki Cross Bree Hunting And Eating Crane Flies

Before we adopted our rescue Lurchers Bree and Skippy they were both believed to be outdoor dogs. Bree in particular was spent some time living wild and it shows as she is a silent dog, freezes at the sight of anything worth chasing and a total thief of anything she can steal. She also has a panchants for a plant called 'Sticky Willy' in the UK which she adores. However, we have never seen her hunt and eat Crane Flies before, especially as she is extremely well fed as is skippy. This is really interesting to watch as we had no idea what she was doing to start with. I hope you like and share the videos and check out my other Skippy and Bree videos and all my technical tips. Please don't forget to subscribe to the channel. Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T 

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Saving A Huge Spider With 12 Inch Kitchen Knife

I spotted this huge UK spider hobbling around my kitchen floor. On close inspection he had a couple of legs mashed together, normally I may have gotten a plastic take away container and captured him and put him outside but he’d have been easy prey. So I took pity on him and decided to do some impromptu surgery, but with a twelve inch blade it could end in tears.

Malcolm aka @FIXED1T ​

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Unboxing My Latest Purchased High Power LED Head Torch - Part 1

If you consider buying this head torch, please use this https://ebay.us/YO9ZwR as I will get a few cents commission if you do and it helps fund my videos. Thanks Malcolm I can't remember how many head worn lights I've bought over the years, but its a lot. Sadly so many of them have disappointed me. Many turned out to be so dull as to be useless and those that are bright get super hot and burn your fingers after wearing them at full brightness for any time. The heat is due to the high intensity LED's or bulbs they use in very confined spaces. As I'm also like watching the stars through my telescopes I'm interested in those with a red light option, as red light doesn't destroy the night time pigment that builds up in the eyes in the dark known as Visual Purple that allows you to see in the dark. Whereas white light bleaches it in milliseconds as you will have found out if hit in the eyes with bright headlights on a dark night. In this part 1 video I'm unboxing a 1000000LM Waterproof Head Torch Headlight LED USB Rechargeable Headlamp and in part 2 plus I'll be testing it in many settings. If you like what you see and consider buying the lamp, please use the links up above as I will get a few cents commission if you do. Thanks Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T  #headtorch #unboxing #fixed1tUNBOXINGvideos #astronomy #astrophotography

Friday, 9 July 2021

My Three Legged Rescue Dog Is A Great Soccer Defender

Please shares this to dog owner groups so we can spread the word three-legs isn't a hinderance to dogs or owners. Thanks Malcolm

Being a dog owner I love the Vet programmes on the various channels. Sadly I've noticed an increasing number of people putting their dogs through hell in order to keep a defective, damaged or infected leg, because they feel that their lovely pet will be some how be diminished, unhappy or be unable to cope if it has the limb amputated. But owning a very active (when he isn't sleeping 22 out of 24 hours a day) rescue Lurcher (greyhound saluki cross) called Skippy, I know that he is not hindered or disabled by having had his left back leg amputated after being thrown from a moving vehicle. He's always happy, playful and full of beans and constantly running or should I say leaping about, including charging up and down six flights of stairs to my Lab to steal my Ginger Nut Biscuits. When we run Skippy and his Sister Bree (who has four legs) there is very little difference in speed and agility other than cunning Bree has figured out that he turn slow one way than the other so uses it to her advantage. A dogs leg amputation is very quick, pain free and unless there is a residual infection from an injury the healing is also very quick and the dogs rehab is also quite quick. Whereas complex surgery takes time, risks infection, puts the dog through months of pain and discomfort and may leave the dog with worse mobility than having three legs. So please watch the video and consider it should you dog suffer injury or other problems. My second gripe is! I've been watching so great dog re-homing programmes and time after time people are rejecting three legged dogs(tri-paw or tri-pad) on the grounds that they don't think the dog is right, or it wont be happy, or it wont be so loving etc let me assure you Skippy is the most affectionate and sweet dog in the home I've ever come across and is full of beans and fun to be with, so please give three legged dogs a chance what love you show them they'll give you back in heaps. I hope you like the video, Skippy is an amazing defender at football or Soccer and every time we open the back door or step out into the garden he rushes for a ball to play goal keeper. Malcolm aka @FIXED1T #fixed1tRESCUEhounds #threeleggeddogs #tripawdogs #luchers #greyhounds

Friday, 25 June 2021

Best Astro Photography Smart Phone Mount For My Telescope

Articulating Camera Arm https://ebay.us/g7UOWf Ulanzi Tripod Phone Mount https://ebay.us/r1Uua3 It was a 'Strawberry Moon' last night so being an amateur astronomer I thought I'd get the large telescope out and photograph it with my Digital SLR. But unlike professional or well organised astronomers I discovered my camera was dead and the backup batteries were also dead. Is I thought no worries I've use my Nexus 5 with Night Sky facilities (yep you guessed it it was also dead). So not being put off I decide to use my iPhone, which also was low on power so I put it in a fully charged battery case. Then I dug out all the iPhone to telescope and microscope adapters I'd bought but never used on eBay, they were crap, cheap plastic not wide enough or strong enough to hold the phone without it falling out of the mount, or falling off the telescope. Just about to give up I remembered heavy metal articulating arm iPhone and Ulanzi Phone mount I'd been using recently for my Robot Video close up work, with its heavy but all metal will metal jaws. I hope you like the video, please don't forget to subscribe to the channel. Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T  #astrophotography #cameramounts #smartphones #iphone #fixed1t

Thursday, 17 June 2021

#ASMR Video Of Solitary Masonry Bees Filling DIY Bee House Holes

This is a relaxing and soothing #ASMR or AMSR video of Solitary and Masonry Bees setting up their homes in my DIY Bee House by filling the Bee House Holes drilled for them to nest in. I designed and built the Bee House during the first week of May 2021after our old purchased insect house had to be repaired. The wood is a section of garden design bed beam which I retrieved from a skip. I was concerned when I set it up that I'd left it too late in the season as the bees used the old house and ignored mine, but as soon as the old one began filling up and hatchlings appeared from the old tubes the DIY Bee House began filling up and is nearly full. I hope you like the video and that it encourages you to design and build your own solitary and Masonry Bee House, this is also a great project for kids to help build, paint or monitor especially as these Bees are placid and have no sting. If your feeling down or depressed put on a pair of headphones and watch this #AMSR video in full screen a loop it is incredibly relaxing and soothing with the bees, a boy and his adopted dogs relaxing in the garden. Or close your eyes and listen to the sounds of Bees, a family, a friend and their dogs relaxing on a summers day. I will be making some more Bee Videos so please make sure you subscribe so you will be informed when I publish other videos. Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T  #bees #beehouse #DIY #ASMR #fixed1tWILDLIFEvideos

Monday, 1 March 2021

Scam Warning Facebook Robbie Williams Giveaway Scam

#fixed1tSCAMwarnings At 0:45 1st March 2021 I was on facebook talking about robot sales scams when I was sent what appeared to be a great opportunity from Robbie Williams offering £5,000 for answering a visual question. He said in the facebook page he was doing it to grow his membership. But its not all it appears to be and at least one of the people who responded had their bank account cleared, here is how it works and how similar scams work. Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T  #fixed1t

Friday, 26 February 2021

My Sight Hound Demanding After Breakfast Cuddles, Massage And Tea ASMR

My wife says I spoil our dogs and this is Bree. It may be true but I think a lot of it is down to the clever doggie manipulation from the hundreds of thousands of years Homo Sapiens and dogs have been cohabiting. If you look into the eyes of a Wolf there is just death and it seeing you as a food source there is no emotion in their eyes, looking back. But pet dogs have developed eye muscles and facial muscles not dissimilar from our our, and they have become genetically predispose to use them to manipulate us. Take my sight hound Lurcher (Greyhound Saluki Cross) Bree, she won me over with her eyes and the help me Human Baby style whimper the first time I met her. She also has a bag of other psychological weapons, I mean look at those eyes and that please help me look. Now Bree or I have developed a morning routine, I get up make my breakfast then make theirs, then share the remainder of my Rice Krispies with Bree and Skippy, then let them out and then reward them when they come in with an extra recent reward for Clean Feet (letting us clean them). Then I take my cup of tea into the living room with the dogs to watch some 'Curse of Oak Island' or 'How Its Made'. Its at this point things get more interesting as Bree goes from being docile to being in charge and starts demanding cuddles, strokes and a massage. Now everybody knows that Dogs Can't Talk but I think Bree really does make similar sounds and noises when she wants to make herself understood, see what you think. I have not manipulated Bree's sound but I have been a bit adventurous with my interpretation of what she says, but some of the time she's vocalising or should I sat talking, I think its pretty obvious the meaning if not the words. Don't be tempted to quit at the start it gets progressively better as she gets progressively more demanding and forceful, and refuses to let me off the hook. So dogs owners have your amazing dogs manipulated you into such routines? Do you stand firm against them? or melt like ice cream on a hot day LOL I hope you like the video, and you find it as de-stressing and relaxing as Bree and I. Malcolm aka  @FIXED1T  #fixed1tSIGHThounds #ASMR ASMR

Monday, 22 February 2021

Does Your Dog Love Goose Grass AKA Sticky Willy?

My amazing rescue sight hound BREE is a Lurcher: A Saluki Greyhound Cross. She is loyal, inquisitive, intelligent, caring (she prompts me when my blood sugar goes low) and great to walk but she has a dark secret, BREE is addicted to SALAD and no matter how hard we try and what route we try to take to rid her off this habit she always brings us forcefully to one of her local Salad Snack Bars The thing is she only likes the finest cleanest shoots, she won\t touch any that dogs have scented. Whats odd is that Slippy our Tri-Paw Lurcher won't touch the stuff. I even try eating some of it to see what it tastes like, and not only is it very bitter, akin to an astringent but the leaves have incredibly tiny hooks or bards on them that sticks it to you tongue and throat. But BREE is not deterred and come rain or high water she's out on the hunt for her Salad. My question to other dog owners, is your dog addicted to? : Sticky Willy Goose Grass Cleavers Clivers Galium Aparine History also has is that it was used to pack sacks as a mattress. Does Your Dog Have A 'Sticky Willy' Addiction? #fixed1tSIGHThounds Malcolm aka  #FIXED1T