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Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Skippy And Bree My Lurcher Friends

We watched a UK SuperVET programme recently where a  had major surgery on their dogs damaged leg, despite being informed there was a high likelihood of it failing and serious infection, rather than have the leg amputated.  It went ahead and the poor dog went through weeks of infection and pain and the vet offered to remove the leg saying the dog would survive and be happy on three legs. But I was stunned! as the owner of a very happy 3 legged dog (they call them Tri-Paw or Try-Pad) that they owners asked for the dog to be put down rather than having the leg amputated and the dog living.  Their reasoning was that they didn't think their dog would be happy on 3 legs.

This is a list of videos of my two beautiful rescue Lurchers (Saluki Greyhound Cross) and as you can see from the videos they are both happy, loving, devoted, bouncy, mischievous and fast.  One Skippy has three legs and the other Bree has four legs.  Please Please believe me it makes no difference to the dog as long as they have loving and caring friends and get charge around they are happy.

Please share this and make it viral so more dog owners don't make the mistake of thinking that having only 3 legs is sufficient reason to give them a death sentence.

Perhaps if more dog lovers see these videos they will understand and not put their best dog friend though hell

Thank you to all who watch and share these videos and help me help other dogs with damaged legs live a long and worthwhile life.

Malcolm aka #fixed1t & Skippy and Bree