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Monday, 28 December 2015

My Dog Bree - The Bed SAGA

My Dog Bree - The Bed SAGA.  Do you think Bree is taking liberties or is it just me? Was it giving her the socks or the jacket or the fact that she look like Dobi with my coat on?


Saturday, 19 December 2015

When Is A Dung Beetle Not A Dung Beetle?

+rubberJunk1 who 'Knows Their Beetles' has left a message on Google+ and Youtube about my Dung Beetle In Dammer Bay Sand Dunes, to inform me that the beetle in my movie is not as I stated here in the video link:

Click Link To Video - Dung Beetle In Rock Dunes Near Daymer Bay Beach In Cornwall UK 

A Dung Beetle (check out the legs with my video above)
 But is in fact a:
A Bloody Nosed Beetle (check out the legs with my video above)
Well Spotted I'll put the list right.
