Refuse to take them?
Spit them out?
Bite your fingers?
Bite your hands?
Choke and vomit it back up?
Run away and hide?
Tremble with Fear?
If so you dog is losing trust in you.
Now here is a technique I developed that not only works but will have your dog wagging their tail for more.
Its official, using behavioural techniques to teach Skippy my Tri-Pad Lurcher ( Greyhound / Saluki Cross ) to take his pills worked so well that he now queues up after food for his tablet after his breakfast and bedtime outing.
To see his tail wagging when giving him his medication is like a dream when I remember what a pain it was before.
Please try this a Share it with your friends who have dogs, the dogs and they will thank you for it.
Malcolm aka #fixed1tSELFHELPtips