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Friday, 10 June 2016

Bree Recovering Well

Bree is recovering well from her collision with the corner of our paving stone step near the garage, the hole, op and the stitches.  Skippy our tripod rescue Lurcher with his missing back leg and she are forever chasing each other around and wrestling ( it's a greyhound, saluki and lurcher thing). They also like necking each other and tripping each other up by grabbing each other's legs. Unfortunately the speed they can move and maneouvor at, means it can result in injury if they get caught at the wrong time i.e. Going up steps.

When they aren't chasing around sounding like an attacking ferocious dogs but not leaving a mark, they spend their time wrapping themselves around each other and us.  In fact their play fighting reminds me of the Saturday Wrestling Matches that used to be on UK TV on Saturdays when I was a kid, all play acting bluster and aggression with the winner decided in advance ;-)

Bree and Skippy Snuggling UP To Me On My Bed

I'm the bit of shirt snuggled off the bed
