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Wednesday, 30 September 2015

All fixed1t simple wildlife blog entries copied here

I've got so many fixed1t blogs and entries, its hard to keep track of them all, so I've put my fixed1t simple wildlife movies  all together here in this 'Simple Wildlife Movies' blog.

Actually we didn't I filmed it.
I hope you like them.



Crazy Duckling Diving Into Pipe Whirlpool - Slowed Down

We were at an english stately home which had a large stone enclosed central water feature 50 metre by 20 metre canals with run off through a pipe to a stream running around the outside.  On the main water were ducks with ducklings and I watched a duckling move deliberately towards the over flow pipe.. Then... this.

slowed up the diving duck for those who missed it on the real time version.


Dung Beetle In Rock Dunes Near Daymer Bay Beach In Cornwall UK

After walking from Rock round to Daymer Bay Beach in Cornwall we walked back over the dunes and stumbled across this Dung Beetle rounding up some rabbit droppings. So I filmed him. No music just the birds, sea and my occasional breath. Feel free to share it and give it a like or thumbs up if you wish you'd have been there :-)


This Really Is Amazing Mother Duck

This mother takes her kids on a terrifying walk, it's nail biting stuff and a real miracle. Lady Luck was defiantly looking down on them along with a chopper

That's dedication for you


Fly Ants Day Has Arrived

I went to the dentist and parked next to a few ants, when i came out the area looked like this thankfully only a few in the car 


Dog Walk Fun - Kids Find A Little Snail Squatting In A Big Snails Shell

The kids ask that you share it if you like it so more children will go dog walking as its fun.



Silence Of The Lambs? Feeding Frenzy Pigs Are Much Scarier

Scary Pigs Foaming At The Mouth

Wasn't how I'd seen them before in open pasture.


Dog Walking - Disrupted A Beautiful Cat Stalking Love Birds

Any idea what breed this beautiful, but unhappy cat is?



Is This Grasshopper Like Creature Eating My Lillie's?

Is it eating my plants?

Bumble Bee Nest In My Roof

A lovely group of Bumble Bees have set up nest in my roof, anybody know what species they are?
